Mars Retrograde 2022: Think Before We Act

What is our relationship to the masculine energy?

This is a beautiful time to review, re-assess, and re-evaluate what it means to take action in our daily life. Mars will be retrograde until Jan 2023, and in the sign Gemini, which may help us re-think our actions towards the connection to the yang aspect of ourselves, and our body.

Mars in Retrograde is about thinking before we take action. And about where that action is coming from and for what purpose does it have?

Before we take action, we must have an emotion that comes before that fuels that action. Before the emotion, we must have a belief that is the root of that emotion. These beliefs are an accumulation of trust and thought about a certain subject and can be our personal experience and thoughts, or it can be other people’s experiences, thoughts, and emotions all together.

This week, in a class about ethical research, I attended a lecture to be reminded of the power of what people say. In the Milgram Obedience experiment, this study was controversial because the experiment conducted was questioned for its ethics. The reason why is that the participants were told that they have the power to shock a person who is in a separate room that they could not see, but could hear. Even though, the person being shocked was an actor, pretending to be shocked, while no harm was done to the actor. In this research experiment, the researcher urged the participants to keep on doing what was told. As a result, they found that the study was questionably unethical because it may have contributed to psychological damage, rather than physical damage. Most importantly, the participants stated that they felt pressured to continue the experiment because they were said to do so, even if they felt morally wrong.

Why is this important now? Because ethics and morality must be accounted for when making any decision. It is the understanding and responsibility over the potential consequences of our actions that we take accountability for. This is what the Mars Retrograde may bring up - that with one action, comes an effect and then a ripple effect in the circumstances and environment that surrounds us.
Duly noted, this is a drop in the ocean of conversation that speaks about how we treat the environment and Planet Earth. What actions need to be rewritten that can use the assertive and quick energy of Mars, to create benefit for all, rather than for just a few and a turn to roll the dice in the ego game?

Mars is about the action we take, and how we assert ourselves in conflict, arguments, war, and fornication. When there is a Mars Retrograde, we could have an opportunity to understand who is really the motiving force behind our actions - is it us, or is it something other than us that contributes to how we think, thus how we feel, and inevitably, how we act. This describes the deeper inner workings of the psyche and how creation comes to be - but in regards to Mars being in retrograde for the rest of the year, it is about moving forward but with deliberate action that is motivated by the force of truth and simplicity.

There is no doubt that the yang or masculine energy is under a reconstruction period where we must all take a look at our own relationship with the inner Father archetype and how this manifests in our world.

Now, how will this impact you? To help with how Mars Retrograde will affect you, answer these questions while looking at your chart:

  1. Where is Mars in your chart? What sign is it in and what house is it in?

    If the sign is air or fire, then this may be a pivotal, life-altering, or awakening moment for you — a possible moment to come to terms with what needs attention and action for your greatest potential in the year 2023 and forward.

    If the sign is earth or water, then this may pull attention inwards because of the heat of Mars moving inwards into these denser elements. This may be asking for you to take notice of what actions or behaviors you are engaged in that are disrupting the flow of your daily life. What action have you been taking that causes you to lose respect for yourself? What actions need to be re-oriented to cultivate more care for yourself and your relationships?

  2. Now compare where the collective Mars will be and how that will highlight your chart. Which house is Gemini in your chart? This is where the collective Mars will be and how it will stimulate a re-assessment of action in this area.

How will Mars Retrograde impact you? How are you feeling in terms of the upcoming retrograde?

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