New Moon in Virgo: Embodying Your Energy
What is mine? What is theirs?
How can I discern from an embodied sense of my own energy, from another energetic presence?
Meditation has taught me about embodiment — being in my body. It has shown me how to observe my thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.
And I’m grateful for that because rather than reacting to my current experience, I can observe and be with myself and stay in my body, which helps to cultivate the capacity for safety in my body & allows my body’s wisdom to (easefully) guide me through life.
I heard someone say recently that — meditation is not about disembodiment (leaving the body & dissociating) but rather, it is about bringing yourself back into the body because everything is happening within you.
By calling our awareness inwards, you strengthen your ability to cultivate your innate power and magic, rather than thinking that the power is somewhere outside of you. For example, a sensation in your body might remind you of a wonderful memory, or travels to a new place, or even, traumatic experiences from childhood that can lead you to deep healing.
Even these practices have taught me to become a better healer — awareness through meditation has taught me to notice the subtle presence of my own energy, and how different that is to another’s. As a healer, it has been so necessary to learn how to discern what is theirs, and what is mine in order to create that safe, yet compassionate space for an energetic exchange to happen.
Through becoming more aware and practicing with the body and the breath, you can find a place of peace and magic within yourself, even when things don’t seem that way outside of you.
Energetically & cosmically, we are being asked by the New Moon in Virgo this same question: how well can I discern on all levels — physical, mental-emotional, and spiritual, how can we know what is mine, from others? What practices help you commune with your own energy?
The New Moon in Virgo is a moment where yin is at its darkest point in the sky — when this happens, we are asked to go within ourselves and feel the deeper intentions that we are hoping to seed into our life moving forward.
So what wants to be seeded at this time? Look at where Virgo is in your chart to see what area in your life will be activated or pulled to your focus these next 2 days of darkness of the sky & potent New Moon energies.
Gratitude to you lovelies 🙏🏼🧡✨