Virgo Season ~ The Embodied Energetics Forecast

It’s beginning to feel a lot like… Virgo season. 🔔

Although we are in the thick of late summer in the Northern Hemisphere and the Sun in Leo is blazing at 24 degrees. Collectively, the Sun is moving towards the sign Virgo, which it will enter starting on August 23, 2022.

The energy of Virgo is very much like a sickle, in how quick and sharp it will navigate through the harvest, only keeping the exact amount needed to do the rest of the job. It is fast, efficient, mutable, and loves when things have a purpose. When someone is embodying the energy of Virgo, we see them taking care of their diet with daily actions such as preparing their lunch for work tomorrow, and a bonus — it is made up of what makes their tummy feel good, after months of experimenting!

Those who have Virgo in their chart in personal and inner planets may feel the Virgo energy coming on, lighting up their observant and careful perception, and feel more at ease with the collective wave that everyone will be riding. This is what it can usually feel like when we enter the Sun sign that matches our own.

Now, how and why is it important to be aware of this energy now? Because Virgo is all about the harvest!

As we enter the Autumn Equinox on September 12, 2022, this is a vital time for us to take heed of all action and to reflect on our many worlds — the inner realms and the outer environment.

The intention of this writing is to make sure to prepare ourselves for what is to come and to share how we can navigate the energetics to be able to receive the blessings that come from the introspection, the cleanse, and the reorganization of life.

Lately, I’ve been feeling the Virgo energy strong as I have taken on a full-time intensive at my school clinic, which has resulted in me living the 8:30 - 5 pm lifestyle, prioritizing exercise and food, and sleep as necessary fuel for the next day. In this shift of life, I have learned to prioritize what is necessary and allow other things to be tucked away until more free time comes or when the time is dedicated for it. This is the essence of Virgo energy — focusing on the daily action, the routine, the grind, and the work that must get done while organizing, prioritizing, and re-aligning to the shifts necessary to make things happen. It just so happens — that I have a knack at picking up on the energetics before they tend to reach the collective. Hence, this writing is born.

As we prepare for Virgo season, we can become aware of the following dates:

Sun enters Virgo - August 23rd

Uranus Retrograde in Taurus - August 24th

Mercury enters Libra - August 25th

New Moon in Virgo - August 27th

Venus in Virgo - September 4th

Mercury Retrograde - September 9th

Full Moon in Pisces - September 10th

Autumn Equinox - September 12th

Sun enters Libra - on September 22nd

Mercury Retrograde enters Virgo - on September 23rd

What are the necessary tools and recommendations for Virgo season?

  1. Focus on reflection, introspection, and re-organization. Asking questions like, what is working and what is not? How could I improve x?

  2. Make changes to diet, routine, and habits. Asking questions like, what am I eating that feels good to my body and what does not? Can I commit to this habit for the next 21 days?

  3. Celebrate your harvest — achievements/commitments/goals!

  4. Harmonize your nervous system. Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury and Mercury rules our nervous system, which may ramp our nerves and make us feel ungrounded or exhausted. Remember to go slow, take time to rest, and reset your nervous system with deep breathing and exercise!

  5. If your energy is at its low or you are struggling at this time, reach out for support. Get acupuncture or a massage, speak to a therapist, get rest, or a check-up with your primary care, or regenerate in your shell. Do what ultimately feels good AND efficient to you in the long run! This is about sustainability, folks!

One more note, the sign Virgo is represented by the virgin — one in herself and attached to no man. During this time, we can be feeling the deep independence and freedom that comes from embracing Virgo at its highest potential. You can do it, we can do it, and I believe in you.

With gratitude and blessings for the path onward ✨

Linh Le


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