Embrace Your Inner Aquarian

Aquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac and is often related to the 11th house of the zodiacal chart — this house is connected to the community, humanitarian service, democracy, freedom, authenticity, friends, and safe spaces for people to come together in unity.

Aquarius, known as the Waterbearer, innovates and learns from waves of intuition and strong mental intelligence that may have been talents passed down from multi-generations being it is the sign that comes after Capricorn, the zodiac sign ruling longevity, ancestors, and long-term commitments. The energy of Aquarius establishes its eccentric roots in their reality to create and express their own beat in this world.

As an air sign, it often gets mistaken for a Water sign because of its ability to flow and mutate like Water. Yet, it has more of an electric quality to its existence. When embodied, it feels authentic, unique, and eclectic, and stands out like Saturn’s rings in comparison to other planetary landscapes. Traditionally known to be connected to Saturn and in modern times, as the sign most related to Uranus and its innovative genius-like qualities while taking on more of a sudden, sometimes jarring, and electric personality. As an opposite sign to Leo, the sign of the Sun, Aquarius would theoretically be related to the Moon and the planetary spirit guides that accompany its existence. In traditional Tarot, the card, the Star, is often depicted as a human being holding a vase and pouring water back into the river or into nature. This card is typically known for its underlying indication of spiritual assistance and positive omens.


Oftentimes, when someone is born with Aquarius in their Big 3 placements (Sun, Moon, Ascendant) or has a strong pull of Aquarian energy in their chart then they may have tendencies to experience Aquarian energies in their being and their doing. When these individuals be, they exhibit qualities similiar to alternative living or perspectives, unique tastes and routines, strong mental energy or mindsets, and ability to be otherworldly through their presence. When these individuals do, they exhibit movement and behavior as acting in consideration for the greater good, innovating using their creative thinking, challenging status quo, and living alternatively than most, yet contributing to a community at large.

When thinking about Aquarius, the first person that comes to mind about the innovative, unity-centered, and unique style is Bob Marley. Bob was an Aquarius Sun with a Scorpio Moon and Mercury in Aquarius. These placements of Aquarius were giving clues to his path forward in life — Sun being his identity as a symbol and legend of peace and unity. The Mercury in Aquarius indicates his way of communicating this mission of love to the masses while innovating music and the genre of reggae. A documentary on Bob’s life spoke about Bob’s ability to perform music as if he was a shaman. In relation to astrology, he harnessed his Scorpio Moon to tune into the intensity, pain, and suffering that many people felt but could not say, and alchemized these experiences through music, art, and communion with people all around the world. This is an example of how Aquarian energy can be experienced, manifested, and shared.

However, each one of us is born from a different lineage, cultural story, experiences, and ways of understanding the world that then inform how we will manifest these energies. Astrology just gives us a better way of understanding how to embody these qualities and hopefully, turn what we may experience as chaos back into order.

With Aquarian energy, we are attuned to the electric magnetic frequencies and messages moving throughout time and space. Could it be that Bob was in fact, in a state of deep listening and following these creative intuitions? This is how the Aquarian energy can be experienced - through the Uranian impulsive wave of ingenuity or through Saturn’s ability to create form from the formless.

Whether or not we follow these paths, the Aquarian energy is rooted in the otherworldly, and an ancient force that becomes tangible through its expression. One may say that it is through the path of our ancestors and their lives and the paths that they chose that made the trickles of water into what is now the flowing pond of our own existence. Sometimes an Aquarian’s energy is like this, its vase has been filled with water flowing from others before them and one day, it is tasked to pour it back into nature, in hopes to create more life.

This month, we get to start embodying the qualities of Aquarius and its ability to tap into compassion, while also being detached from the way it needs to be. Its true attachment and purpose are… to show up authentically to themselves and to express what their truth is, especially if it is in service to the greater good.

Wishing you many blessings for the year forward,


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