We are the Bridges Between Sky and Earth

What does it mean to be the Bridge between the Sky & the Earth? 

In Taoist texts, you hear this a lot. 

I see that as multi-dimensional, multi-faceted, and passionate beings, we are *meant* to embody, express, and create more of what we resonate with.

When we relate to heavenly archetypes such as elements, astrology, Goddesses or nature, we get to play and experiment with that in our bodies. 

For me… when I coach clients, read astrology, or practice Chinese medicine, I get to embody the compassionate mother or the Cancer archetype, or lead with my Leo Sun, or harness a blend of the Metal element. 

Rather than limit ourselves to one archetype, one sign, or one way of being, we get to alchemize these qualities and create more life and well-being through our expression. 

We get to create. 

We get to embody what makes us feel authentic moment by moment. 

We get to create more life. 

With gratitude,


Embrace Your Inner Aquarian


Chakras as a Primary Tool for Healing