Aries-Libra Lesson on Navigating Right Relationships with the Self & Others

In a Tarot Spread, I chose for this Full Moon was Nine of Crystal, Five of Cups, Six of Wands; which all symbolize one’s journey in relation to the Self, to Others, and to Life.

This month, we are being asked about where our mental energy & attention is going — what are we being asked to focus on and stand up for? This may be illuminated in relationships with one another. It is as if the relationship with others becomes a deep intense reflection of ourselves if we decide to use a relationship as a vehicle for transformation.

This month of Aries, asks us to activate our Inner Fire, and the Dragon within to see what we truly need to stand up for and for whom. It gives us a burst of pure and new yang energy to spring forth into action with our intentions and desires for this year. In addition, it is opening and preparing us for what is to come in this astrological year. What it felt like going into this year, is that there is a need for resiliency, strength-building, and endurance for the rest of this year; that many of us are being tested in our relationships and in our lives to see what stands in the integrity test to our values and morals. It is as if, what is not in integrity to our True Self, will be tested and will need to be released in order for the proper spring cleaning to happen as a sweep out of the old to make space for the new.

Another dynamic that is here is when there is a release or transition out of a relationship or state of being, there is an innate sense of loss and feelings of grief that naturally arise. As the Winter season comes to an end and Spring activates our nervous systems, we are being collectively activated in a felt bodily sense, then being tasked to let go of any pattern or habit that may have served us in the winter but does not serve and to melted with the rising of the Sun. In this, it is possible to feel anger, resentment, impulsivity, and grief, which may impact the head, the eyes, the heart, the lungs, and the chest in the scope of Chinese medicine and medical astrology.

It is possible to experience more allergies and inflammation in these areas — in not only a physical sense, but in a mental-emotional sense where our body is responding to our environment and signaling to us that we are experiencing transition, needing change, and advocating for new ways of being that serve the mind-body in being healthy and happy.

In the axis of Aries & Libra, the two opposite signs of “me” and “we” teach us that there must be a balance between navigating the realm of the Self and its needs and being in harmony with others and when we are able to approach this axis by walking the middle path, then in fact, it’ll create a life recipe of Libra consideration and tactful communication, and Aries ability to move towards risk and take action when needed, especially when it is to stand up for justice for not only the Self but for all.

One last element that I’m vibing with from this Tarot spread is the last card, the Six of Wands, which speaks to our connection to the Fire Element, the Heart, and how we connect to its Spirit via our consciousness. This card springs forth the question of: how do we develop resiliency, fortitude, and trust in these new transitions of life. How can I move with ease like Water, and dance like Fire with life. It seems like this is what we’re here to learn. This Aries-Libra lesson does not just belong to one person or a group of people, rather it belongs to all beings that vibrate to the same resonance as Nature. It is all of us that are here to learn how to be in right relationship with ourselves, and to others. It is to treat others, with love, consideration, respect, and empathy, rather than ways that continue to separate for the benefit of all.


The Dance Between Water & Fire: Full Moon in Sagittarius


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