The Dance Between Water & Fire: Full Moon in Sagittarius

The Water is at its utmost Yang and The Fire is at its utmost Yang - Sagittarius and its mutable. This is to say that we are being asked to say honestly what is in our hearts because the Water or our emotional realm is fully illuminated more than usual. Our deeper emotions can come through, especially the shadow and utmost yin. Even though it can be a time when we feel more “stretched-thin” because of Fire’s ability to raise the Qi. When utmost Yang or mutable Fire is tied to the Water element of the Moon, we find the waves of our life being bigger, fuller, and more intense — leading to more chances of burnout. We can balance this by finding time to contemplate, using Jupiter’s connection to Liver Qi to look into our future visions and plans, and seeing how our shadows may have informed these forward projections and how we can realign them to feel more authentic and true to our Heart’s desires. We listen to our most inner Yin, our Heart to find the balance between the outer Yang happening in our daily lives. In short, this Full Moon cycle is about being honest. It is about shooting the arrow of our awareness to aim for the true pillars of The Heart & the wisdom of the body in that it will lead you back to your most Soulthentic path — so long as we can listen.


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